Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Bit of DIY - The Simplest Possible Padded Hangers

(Free fiction and other writing can be found here.)

It's been ages since I last blogged -- certainly not for lack of material, since I've done all sorts of interesting things since my last post. I'll get to those very soon, but I'd like to begin with a lifehack that  I came up with last week. If it's elsewhere on the Internet, I have yet to find it.


I own a lot of haori jackets and kimono, most of them vintage. The traditional way to store them is carefully folded in boxes, but wanting easier access I hung them in my closet. To my dismay, the hangers created ugly points at the garments' shoulders that over time might easily damage the fragile fabric. Sweaters and nicer blouses were likewise threatened. The only way around the problem was padded hangers, but long searching revealed that they were costly to buy, while do-it-yourself sites disheartened with elaborate instructions that involved sewing, knitting, or intricate wrapping.

But then, epiphany. While spring-cleaning the basement I came across the perfect item for my purpose. Estimated time of construction: a minute or less per hanger.

STEP ONE: Get some coat hangers. For optimal results they must be plastic, but needn't be fancy.

STEP TWO: At your local hardware store, buy some tubes of 1-inch foam insulation that plumbers use to keep pipes from freezing. It's dark gray and comes in four-foot lengths or thereabouts, with a seam running down it. The price should be around a dollar a length.

STEP THREE: Slit the tube seam with scissors. Fit the foam over the hanger, leaving an inch or so of it sticking out past the plastic. Make a hole in the middle of the tube with a ballpoint pen to receive the hanger's hook, fit the rest of the foam over the other side of the hanger, and shorten with scissors. Proceed to do the same with other hangers until you're out of tube; you should be able to make three per length. I ended up with about a foot left over from each tube, which I used with another leftover foot to cover another hanger.

For especially sensitive garments, perforate and drape an expendable handkerchief over the hanger, thus avoiding the need to cut and sew. (The one pictured already had a few holes in it.)

That's it.  The foam doesn't stain, weighs almost nothing, and costs about a quarter a hanger. Pointy shoulders banished!




  1. Replies
    1. Super easy and no more hanger bumps! Thanks for this great tip.

  2. Great idea but also beautiful written presentation. I'm off to read your fiction link as I like your style!

    1. Isobel, many thanks for the kind words! I hope you enjoy the fiction on my website.

  3. Thanks! I knew there was an easy and cheap way to do it. Thank goodness for the internet and creative minds and SHARING!

  4. These work beautifully! I used 1/2” tubes. When I had a piece left over that wasn’t quite long enough, I used them on the bottom of the hanger to lay pants or capri’s over. No more hanger lines! Thank you so much for the brilliant idea!

  5. Hello, may I borrow this photo of your DIY padded hanger? I am a teacher from the Philippines and I thought I could borrow your photo, if you'd allow me, for reference in my module.

    1. Please feel free, and thank you for your interest!


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